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TFA Cosplay » Site News
Sep 7

Sac Anime 2011 Pics Now Available

Posted by K'thardin

For your viewing pleasure, today I have the pics that were taken at Sac Anime 2011. You can either click the link up above to take you to the main gallery or just click here to go directly there. As usual, if you’re one of the cosplayers and want a larger version and/or the RAW, just mail me, and I’ll make it available.

Also, over the next few days, I’ll be processing and putting up Mayhem’s pics for the last few convention’s he’s been at. These will include several backstage photos for the masquerades and other events as well, so look forward to them. Hopefully I can get Gensao’s pics of the Hatsune Miku concert as well, since his camera is better than mine.

Jul 14

Upgraded and Fully Operataional

Posted by K'thardin

Well, I’ve upgraded wordpress, gallery2, and all its themes and apps to the latest and greatest versions. The problems with a lack of supporting applications and such have been corrected. Perhaps some tweaking here and there needs to be done, but in any event, the site is now fully operational, complete with actual thumbnails now.

As far as what you’ll see on the site, it should be nearly identical to how it operated before. You can now just click out of the lightbox to close it instead of clicking on the close button, which is more convenient.

Other than that enjoy the pics, especially the ones of Anime Expo 2011 and AM2 2011 that were recently posted. If you were one of the cosplayers and want the raw and/or unedited JPG of your pic, let me know and I’ll make it available.

Also, if anyone knows who the Hellgirl was in the AM2 gallery set, can you let me know? I’ve had a couple of people comment about that one. Yes, she really is shorter than me…hard to believe I know.

Jul 10

It appears during the recent data migration of my webhost, none of the required applications, such as unzip or imagemagick were installed on the new host. The gallery requires some of these features to display itself properly, which is why none of the thumbnails are currently up. I actually have Anime Expo 2011’s pictures processed and uploaded, but until the required applications are installed, the gallery is going to be running in a half assed mode.

Update – I also have AM2’s pics processed and uploaded.

Jun 5

Having had to divide my time between covering the Black and White Ball and the Masquerade, I had to get a good friend, Pio Buenaventura, to record the Masquerade for me, which is what I now present to you here on the Nyaa Torrents site. Truly, I thank Pio from the bottom of my heart, this video would not have been possible without him.

Pio actually does a lot of impromptu filming at conventions of the various goings on. To find more of his work, hit up his Youtube channel here, something I recommend highly.

Apr 13

Anime Conji 2011 Roundup

Posted by K'thardin

I hope you all appreciate this one. Thanks to the power of my new PC, solving some serious technical issues that plague me on a yearly basis, and having some time to write, I give you everything from Anime Conji’s 2011 Convention.

For starters, to see how it went, let me direct you to the Convention Report as authored by yours truly. If anyone knows where I can find information on the AMV’s and the winner of The Last Comic Standing, assuming anyone was sober by that point since it continued at the bar, let me know so I can update my report.

Now for the remaining movies:

The Black Crystals Concert

The Traci Hines Concert

The Masquerade

I want to thank everyone that made this possible; couldn’t have done it without you. And to one and all, enjoy!

Apr 12

Well, here’s the first of the videos for Anime Conji 2011: The Last Comic Standing event. First year for it, and what a way to start it off. Convention attendees just getting up and making fun of all the stuff we know and love, because they know and love it too and we all get these jokes. It also helps that it was late at night, and alcohol was permitted…this wasn’t for the kiddies folks, heh. But hey, download it and see for yourself, or if you were there, share the memories with someone else.

Thanks again to Nyaa Torrents for being the tracker!

Mar 28

Anime Conji 2011 Pics Are Up

Posted by K'thardin

Well, spent two days at Anime Conji and acquired some great pics and some good video, which I’ll get that up as soon as I can.  Fun convention, and I wish I could have stayed for the full three days, but just coming off a really large evolution at work, there were things that needed to be done in the old personal life, up to and including real sleep, heh.  So without further ado, go ahead and click up top on the page to get to the main gallery, or just click here to go directly there.

As always if you’re one of the cosplayers and want a full size and/or raw version, email me, and I’ll make them available.

Jan 18

I’m actually thinking of putting the pics in categories either separated by convention, by photographer, or both. Not sure yet how I’d do both, but I’ll do some research into that. Also thinking of changing the domain, but I’ve been considering that for years now. We’ll see how that goes.

However, for today’s offerings, we have Mayhem’s SAC Anime Pics for Winter 2011 up for viewing which you can get to by clicking the tab up there on top or just by clicking here. I’d say more about it, but I’ll let Mayhem do that when we post his report on Dragon’s Anime.

As always, if you’re one of the cosplayers and want a larger and/or raw version of the pic you see here, just make us aware of it, and we’ll make it available. Have fun!

Jan 12

Anime L.A. Winter 2011 Pics Up

Posted by K'thardin

So, last weekend I decided to attend a day of Anime L.A. over in…well, Los Angeles. A nice little two and a half hour drive, where by I tested my new camera, an Olympus E-PL1. As far as a field test goes, I’d call it successful, though I obviously need more practice in its use. Still, I managed to take a few photos that I liked which you can find here on this site or just click that little tab up there on top of the page.

Overall, it’s a very small and limited convention. Fun, but nothing at all like the larger ones where you’re running around so hard that you can’t see straight. At this one, you’ll find yourself sitting down and attending the panels or events because there’s really not much else to do after you’ve photographed a couple hundred cosplayers and gone through all the rooms about ten times. This is not a criticism of the convention; one doesn’t need to be running around all the goddamn time at conventions. Sometimes it’s okay to go to something like this, and I’m glad they exist.

My only real regret is that I decided to just be an attendee this time around. I should have brought my video camera, because the Traci Hines concert was a whole lot of fun this time around. Not in spite of all that screwed up, but BECAUSE of all that screwed up. If some video pops up of that, I’ll be sure to post a link in the future.

As always, if you’re one of the cosplayers and want a larger version or the RAWs of the pics, email me and I’ll make them available. Have fun, one and all!

Dec 16

So after opening up Sankaku Complex and noting that there’s a second season of Seikon no Qwaser as the first article, the picture of which made me blue screen (and no, I’m not going to link that), my mind rebooted and I recalled that Mayhem had made his pics of the Summer 2010 Sac Anime convention available.

I’ve gone through some of my older pics, and I have to note just how much improved the quality of all our pics have been from when we first started. Not just in terms of better available technology, but also in terms of how well we use that technology and our general eye for good pictures all around…most times MAKING that not so optimal picture that much better with an increased ability to compose those shots better. You can certainly see it here with his current ones as opposed to the ones just a couple of years ago from Mayhem, as well as the rest of us.

As always if you’re one of the cosplayers, and you want a larger pic, let us know and we’ll make it available.