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TFA Cosplay » 2010 » December
Dec 16

So after opening up Sankaku Complex and noting that there’s a second season of Seikon no Qwaser as the first article, the picture of which made me blue screen (and no, I’m not going to link that), my mind rebooted and I recalled that Mayhem had made his pics of the Summer 2010 Sac Anime convention available.

I’ve gone through some of my older pics, and I have to note just how much improved the quality of all our pics have been from when we first started. Not just in terms of better available technology, but also in terms of how well we use that technology and our general eye for good pictures all around…most times MAKING that not so optimal picture that much better with an increased ability to compose those shots better. You can certainly see it here with his current ones as opposed to the ones just a couple of years ago from Mayhem, as well as the rest of us.

As always if you’re one of the cosplayers, and you want a larger pic, let us know and we’ll make it available.