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TFA Cosplay » 2013 » March
Mar 20

Upgrades and Housekeeping

Posted by K'thardin

Well, while Dragon’s Anime is continued to be worked on, I figured it was time to do a little housekeeping myself. I’ve upgraded gallery and wordpress to their current versions which was not as bad as I thought it was going to be.

I’ve also added a couple of new features: an Add This button for all your social media and a lightbox type application. The Add this button can be used to add a pic that you like to damn near any social media site you can think of. The lightbox application works a slightly different philosophy than it did back in the time of Gallery2. It basically works when you want to open a full sized version of the picture on its picture page. From there, you can navigate the gallery much as you would have with the original Lightbox application in gallery2, if you so desire; you can even use your scroll wheel for those that have one. If you wish to open the picture in its own browser or tab, just right click on it, and click on open in new browser or tab.

As time goes on I’ll be adding a few new features and doing some general maintenance which should be mostly transparent.

Now to get some AOD pics from Mayhem, Gensao, and possibly Peo.