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TFA Cosplay » 2009 » May
May 19

Fanime 2009 is coming up!

Posted by K'thardin

Well, Fanime will be occurring this weekend over at the San Jose convention center up in northern California.  Like the past few years, I’ll be attending, and this year for the second time as Press.  If you see a guy dressed in a black monk outfit or a short guy with a Decepticon T-shirt pursuing a cute cosplayer portraying some obscure character then it’s likely me.  Come up and say hi if you see me!

Hope to see you there!

May 14

Anime Central 2009 Pics are Up!

Posted by K'thardin

Well, finally got the pics up.  These are all the pics I took, no cuts and no comments.  I’ll be removing some as I go through them and cull the ones that I don’t think I took very well, blurry ones, etc, and comments will come as I go.  I figured it’d be best if I just put them up there for those that were looking forward to them now.

To see the pictures, just click the tab up top to travel to the gallery or just click here to travel directly to the ACEN 2009 portion of the gallery.

For those that see their picture up there and want a full sized version or RAW pic, just send me an email, and I’ll make it available.

May 11

ACEN 2009 Pics

Posted by K'thardin

Recently went to Anime Central 2009 over at Chicago…in fact, I just got back last night, heh.  I took more pics there than I have at any of the previous conventions I went to due in no small part to the shear amount of photoshoot gatherings I took part in.  It’ll take me a few days to get these pics processed and up on the site, so if you received my card, I do appologize for the delay, but they will be up just as soon as I can get them color corrected, red eye removed, etc.

In the mean time, why not turn the card over and head over to Dragon’s Anime and check out some of the reports, reviews, and whatnot we have over there.  Or if you prefer, just click the tab up top to head over to the pics area of this site where the convention goings of myself, Mayhem, and Beacon are displayed.